GPL - Final Results

Mark Smi

GPL - Final Results

by Mark Smi » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

YOU BET!  EB already has my $24.95 - I'll be there as soon as the UPS driver
drops them off.  I want that GIANT car setup manual.  I don't think you can win
a race without tweaking the default cars.

>Fair enough.
>Now...answer going to get rid of the pirated
>version and buy the product?

>> I can only assume you are implying that I am making this up (about having the
>> final)  so here is the readme.txt file from the final game:

>The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-

Mark Smi

GPL - Final Results

by Mark Smi » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

WOW - I'm impressed - you had this version for 2 weeks.  That's incredible -
especially since the group who released it didn't do so until the 25th.


GPL - Final Results

by ymenar » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Mark Smith wrote

>WOW - I'm impressed - you had this version for 2 weeks.  That's incredible -
>especially since the group who released it didn't do so until the 25th.

Actually... all my GPL versions are legal on my Hard Disk....

I was informed by somebody I won't named and informed David Matson. As a proof here is the *.nfo file :

(sorry if this is an html file). Please, backup your information before telling me your know the real thruth. You obviously think Im just a nobody...

  t??22      ? ?2??     2?   ? t        
  ?       ??2  t ?          ?2??? t 22?         T2
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????22 ????2   T?22? 2?  T2???Y 2Y T??2? ?2 ??22 ???2? t? ???YT?22Y   ???2Y
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            ??             T??    ??                ?  ??22 ???? ?     ?2?
 cH!SAC/PDM                ?                           ???2???            ?

 3  Supplier.....: YAZZ                     3  Date...: 09/13/98           3
 3  Cracker......: N/A                        3  Game Type......: RACING              3
 3  # of Disks...: 60 x 1.44MB            3  Game Rating....: N/A                3
 3 REQUIREMENTS: PENTIUM 166, 32MB RAM, 3D Card                       3
 3t RELEASE NOTES t3                                                         3
 ??                                                         3
 3                                                                           3
 3   Ok, here's the deal, the last release of this sim was a BETA!!    3
 3  This is the bonafide final version! Enjoy!
 3                                                          ID MUD           3
 3  Installation:                                                            3
 3  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            3
 3    Just unzip to the installed directory and run the Setup.EXE and it will      3
 3  unpack (overwrite) (in case you hit UNPACK or sumth:) and you're done.   3
 3                                                                           3
 3             3
 3                                                                           3
 3  Greetz:                                                                  3
 3  ~~~~~~~                                                                  3
 3  Greetings of the day fly out to my gal who was spending a long weekend   3
 3  in bed with me. :)                                                       3
 3                                                                           3
 3  As you can see - without appropriate hardware you cant work at a hundred 3
 3 percent - as so - we are looking for HARDWARE SUPPLIERs! - If you think   3
 3 can help us and contribute to the group contact any PDM member asap!      3
 3 (We are looking for almost everything - RAM, HDs, MAINBOARD, CPUs,        3
 3 3dfx(2) cards and - as a matter of fact - external devices such as        3
 3 controlling devices :)                                                    3
 3                                                                           3
 3t  GROUP NEWS  t3                                                          3
 ??                                                          3
 3                                                                           3
 3                                                                           3
 3                              PARADIGM SITES                               3
 3  ET                 WHQ                  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    ET Staff      3
 3  PC                 USHQ                 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    PC Staff      3
 3  BB2                EHQ                  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    BB2 Staff     3
 3  AV                 GHQ                  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX    AV Staff      3
 3                             HOW TO REACH US:                              3
 3                                                                           3
 3                                                                           3
 3                             WWW.XPXDXMXWXOXRXLXDX.COM                              3
 3                                               3
 3                                                                           3
 3                                                                           3


- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by on the NROS
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--

David G Fishe

GPL - Final Results

by David G Fishe » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Almost every r.a.s. regular who is seriously interested in GPL has been
playing the warez of GPL for weeks now. If you are going to be *** one
person for doing it, then be *** them all. Maybe you have and I just
missed it.


Neil Yeatma

GPL - Final Results

by Neil Yeatma » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Actually... all my GPL versions are legal on my Hard Disk....

> I was informed by somebody I won't named and informed David Matson. As
> a proof here is the *.nfo file :

> (sorry if this is an html file). Please, backup your information
> before telling me your know the real thruth. You obviously think Im
> just a nobody...

= Cracker group .NFO file suppressed

What makes this legal on *your* Hard Disk?  You have some wacky new
technology hard drive that makes piracy legal?  Dammit, it's a warez
copy of GPL you're playing.  It's a good thing you're not going to name
the somebody (?) because you'll make them look ignorant too.  

As soon as GPL hits the stores, you can (like me) go get a legitimate
copy of the game...unlike what you're playing now.


Neil Yeatman          
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA


GPL - Final Results

by ymenar » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Neil Yeatman wrote

That's what the person said to me in the email with that file attached. I
actually didn't even know such thing existed.

Who said I had the full version on my hard disk ?? Actually, just re-read
what I wrote, I said
It is the *.nfo file I was _sent_ , since I don't have any illegal GPL
version on my PC. I may had choose the wrong word (as I re-read my sentence
it wasn't quite clear).

As I say another time... it's not because you received via email a *.nfo
file that your actually have this title on your HD. I would name the person
who send this file to me (Im mostly helping people on the NROS about GPL, so
he though I would be the best guy to receive this info and pass it to
Papyrus employees), but I just wouldn't want to ridiculise this person. Oh
and just email David Matson if you want.. he probably (hopefully) still has
the copy of the information email I sent to him.

I wouldn't do such a thing...

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by on the NROS
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."-- is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.