Ya know... It really sucks that everytime you by a game... you end up
logging into the web to download a patch for your $40-50 piece of
software. These boneheads producing the games can create them, but
they can never figure out that it isn't quite finished before they put
in on the market. Duh! I read all the reviews on this one... I was
leary about buying it... Now that I know it needs a patch you can bet
I won't! Just think of all the people who are not on the web who buy
this ***and are not even aware that thier software is unfinished
garbage and it needs a patch. What a ripoff!
On Wed, 5 May 1999 17:19:32 -0500, "Chris Schletter"
> Ya know... It really sucks that everytime you by a game... you end up
> logging into the web to download a patch for your $40-50 piece of
> software. These boneheads producing the games can create them, but
> they can never figure out that it isn't quite finished before they put
> in on the market. Duh! I read all the reviews on this one... I was
> leary about buying it... Now that I know it needs a patch you can bet
> I won't! Just think of all the people who are not on the web who buy
> this ***and are not even aware that thier software is unfinished
> garbage and it needs a patch. What a ripoff!
> On Wed, 5 May 1999 17:19:32 -0500, "Chris Schletter"
> >http://www.racesimcentral.net/
It could also be that EA simply said: "You've wasted enough money, now
publish it or s***it." If the game really was as buggy and
unplayable I doubt any dev team would voluntarily have it shipped.
I remember Quake2 being rushed out the door with broken multiplayer for
Christmas by Activision, so scratch iD of that list....
Ken's Sig 2.01
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system
of government.
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from
some farcical aquatic ceremony."
Go #43 and #44!
volksy (at) geocities (dot) com
volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com