>> I tried everything I know, but the track braking areas blink off and
>> on(darker braking zones). It's like one second they are darker then it
> looks
>> like a normal track without darker braking zones. The demo is fine, no
>> blinking. Anyone else have this problem? Nothing on rsc either. I tried
> dx7,
>> dx8 and auto, along with changing the video setup within the game.
>> Running
> a
>> ti4600 and amd 2100mhz.
> Yup, same thing here with a similar machine.
What I don't understand is why I don't have this issue with the demo? (btw
this is John Smith) Nothing showing up in the player files either. The final
version is a lot buggier than the demo too, for instance I have to disable
EAV before starting the game, but not on the demo?? I lost gear display on
the F1 car. Temporary slow down with ai crashing in front of me. Don't get
me started on the ai too, and yea I went ahead and fixed that also. FF
pulling to the left more than usual. How long do I have to get my money