>On Sat, 22 May 1999 10:36:01 GMT, "Tony Wyss"
>>Unfortunately, they won't Keith. The only racing titles that make fortunes
>>for publishers are ones like Need for Speed 3 with the arcade play. Despite
>>what some of us think, there just isn't that big of a market for a great
>Respectfully disagree there - GP2 was a very nice blend of arcade game
>and sim, and AFAI recall was the biggest selling and fastest selling
>CD game ever released at the time.
>If they provide a similar blend with arcade aspects, nifty graphics,
>an F1 license and the Crammond name I reckon they'll make a packet.
>They may even be left with enough to buy a bag of chips after giving
>Bernie his Bernies.
>>This is in no way implying that GP3 is cancelled of course. <cough>My
>>"inside sources" say it is looking great :)</cough>
>It is... :-)
I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate on that would you John?