nr1999r.exe like you used to with renddma.exe this works great for me.
Seems that the preferences file does not read so well. If you want I can
let you know how to fix the colors in N2, just email me.
> I just copied all the tracks from NR1999 to my Nascar2 directory and have
> found that the game runs 100% better. I can run in the old renddma mode and
> the games just flies. They should have just put out the new tracks, the only
> problem I have is that the Track background screen it kinda messed up. but
> its worth it to have the new tracks. The new tracks are really good, Bristol
> at night is wonderful. I have none of the slow downs or stuttering I was
> getting trying to run the tracks in NR1999. If your having problems I say
> copy the tracks to your N2 tracks folder and you should be fine. If anyone
> know how to fix the backgound that would be great.