> I don't understand why Paprus seems to be going backwards in the
> graphics dept.
> Have we all forgot how wonderful the Rendition ICR2 tracksand cars
> look, they are still the sharpest and most detailed and most important I
> use to run a full field at full detail on a p150 with a 4 meg Intense 3d
> card and get 30fps. I just wish they could seem to re-create the same
> for Nascar. I love GPL and N2 and now N99, but none of them have the fps
> or the sharpness of ICR2. Just look at the graphics of Michigan or the
> road course Elkhart lake is still the best I have seen. So, I say come
> on Papy I love your stuff but just go back to using the Icr2 rendition
> engine with Nascar3.
> My 2 cents, sorry if this is a re-post.
Speaking as someone who raced ICR2 initially with most graphic options
off just to be able to race in higher than 320x200 mode, remember tweaking
out my Tseng video card with some display doctor util that Papy shipped just
to get 19FPS at the time.... wow these were the innocent days before
3D cards or 3D API crusades etc... Still I was happy for the resolution
improvement of ICR2 -vs- ICR1, not to mention the outcry that the handling
of ICR2 physics was terribly loose compared to ICR1, that was yet another
flamefest :-)
All these new sims seem to go through the same stages of being too fast
for current hardware, I guess they have to or else would quit selling after
just a few months, if you've hung around r.a.s. for a while you will see
this same cycle occur over and over. GPL just falls into the same pattern.
Seeyas on the track.
--John (Joao) Silva