I believe the nocd crack only gives a mismatch on the exe file.
Places where you can cheat giving more grip are terrain.ini and the
<track>.?db? sorry forget the file suffix. In these files you can
change the grip for your car on gravel, grass, even on the track itself
making it better.
For single player games changes would affect the AI cars but I believe
in multiplayer it is only the car of the person with the change that is
affected. Though it may be that the files on the race-server determine
the settings for all.
In addition you can hack the car files .hdv to give your car a more
powerful engine or more aerodynamic efficiency.
A legitimate use for this would be to copy say the ferrari file to all
the other makes to make them identical. Allowing you to run a "fair"
race without everybody driving ferraris, which is a bit boring.
I had a guy whose car had the speed of an f16. He was careful to drive
at little more than normal speed while aproaching someone from behind,
but would drive at over 350 kph when "unseen". His only problem was
stoping for the corners. I suspected something "strange" so i checked
the replay, which I still have, his engine was barely ticking over most
of the time.
A lot of the file mismatches are caused by mods. But if I get someone
with a hdv or track mismatch who is doing record breaking times, I go
"onboard" with them in practice. Of course some of these guys stay in
the pits during practice.
It is quite permissible to say that only players with no mismatches in
car and track files and terrain.ini are allowed in the race.
Graham H
>> There are so many areas he could attack, i.e. tires, horsepower
>>suspension, by editing the car files, but the sim is 'supposed' to catch
>>those things. Do you recall a bunch of server messages stateing things
>>like Driver X is not compatible or Driver X has hdv file is bad?
> Well, you get a lot of those messages if there's a client/server mismatch on
> the no-cd use...
> Eldred