First, let me say that I really enjoy Hawaii the way it is now.
Second, let me say I do not wish to "troll" for negative
responses. Instead, I merely wish to present another
option for reasonable discussion.
So, let me suggest two things that might improve Hawaii
for everyone...
1) Since we all want to enjoy our time on line racing, why not make
engine damage repairable even if it takes five minutes -- it's unrealistic,
but at least it doesn't mean another wasted forming, qualification, and
practice period.
2) Replace the current point system with the nomination of
an advanced, medium, or novice race profile -- where advanced
might be defined as 25-50% race length with D/Y/P; medium is
defined as 15-24% A/ /P, and novice is defined as 5-14% / / .
My guess is that the serious sim folks will tend to opt for the longer,
more realistic races (advanced profiles) while the less serious will
gravitate towards the arcade or (novice profile) races. If so, this
would accomplish almost everything the current point system
appears designed to do... If not, well, it's still probably worth
a try.
With either or both changes, I think the incidents involving lost
tempers will probably decline. Then, maybe, we can all enjoy
Hawaii a little bit more.