> The Ferrari was illegal. Brawn admitted it. The world saw it. There was
> no legitimate defence, thus, the FIA cooked up the "actually, we
> measured it wrong" response, thus giving BernieCo. the much needed
> "climactic finish".
"intention of defence" is required until everyone presents their
arguments at the appeals hearing. The FIA has nothing to do with it --
the five judges, completely independent of the FIA, looked at Bauer's
evidence and Ferrari's evidence, and made a ruling. Everyone from Ron
Dennis to Norbert Haug have accepted the decision -- they really have no
choice, as the appeals board is the court of last resort for the process
-- and it's about time everyone else did, too. You can sit in the corner
and spin as many FIA/Bernie *** theories as you like, and ponder
judicial rulings as far back as Roger Taney and the Dredd Scott
decision, but it's nothing more than navel contemplation of a
particularly pathetic sort.
Again, and again, and again: the FIA rules and appeal process are NOT
legal proceedings deriving their powers from constitutionally evolved
laws achieved by popular plebiscite -- they are simply the bylaws of a
private club, and teh rules are derived from committee agreements like
the Concorde. When you join the club you agree to the bylaws. If you are
adjudged in violation of those bylaws, there is a straightforward
appeals process, very plainly spelled out in those bylaws, but obviously
open to a certain amount of interpretation -- if they were not, there'd
be no reason whatsoever for the existence of an appeals process.
This is NOT the OJ trial
This is NOT a state or federal judiciary process
This is NOT LA Law
This is NOT Judd For the Defense
This is NOT The Practice
This is NOT Judge Judy
This is NOT People's Court
This is NOT -- though it vaguely resembles, in its casual insanity --
Ally McBeal
As my attorney often tells me, "There is no justice, there is only the
law." It's even MORE true in a private club like F1.
Get over it.