Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends
ICQ# 74084566
You're correct - there's a few versions of the V3 drivers that have
bugged routines for disabling the O/Cing - all V3's get set to 143. If
you've got a fan on your V3 heatsink, and its got good memory you can
probably crank it up to ~180. My old V3-2000 won't go above 172
reliably (using Unreal as the test bed as it shows visual artifacts
first for me - really exercises the card apparently).
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
> You're correct - there's a few versions of the V3 drivers that have
> bugged routines for disabling the O/Cing - all V3's get set to 143.
> you've got a fan on your V3 heatsink, and its got good memory you can
> probably crank it up to ~180. My old V3-2000 won't go above 172
> reliably (using Unreal as the test bed as it shows visual artifacts
> first for me - really exercises the card apparently).
> HTH!
> Kendt
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.