runs fine one minute and the next it crawls. I was just exploring my C
drive, and found all the file.chk folders that I had not seen before. There
were like 19 of these things, each about 4kb in size. I started viewing them
with notepad, and they appear to be transcripts from newsgroups I have
visited in the past, very strange. Don't know if it's the trouble I am
having with OE that is generating these file.chk folders or what.
What do you guys recommend for a good firewall that doesn't cause too much
grief for online ***, zone alarm?
Don Burnette
D Burnette in N4
Some people do nothing wrong.
The problem is, they do nothing.
And THAT is wrong.
> > I had avoided firewalls like Black Ice and Zone Alarm because of the
> >complications with online racing/quaking etc.
> If you only knew! Most attacks on web servers come from exactly your
> type of comprimised box!
> I do not know about Black Ice but Zone Alarm will allow you in the
> security settings to add "local computers" for online ***, you
> should be able to add any ip address of any other computer/computers
> you are working with and they will bypass the firewall...
> It is PURE sucide to leave ANY computer hooked to the net unprotected!
> Even dialup accounts are hit constantly by people looking for
> exploitable boxes. If you only knew how many programs are running
> around on the net, automatically looking for boxes.. finding them and
> then emailing their findings to the perp who sent them out in the
> first place..
> The net is VERY insecure and much of this is due to cable modems and
> dsl connected boxes which sit there unprotected...
> Get a firewall. use it like your life depended on it!
> Your life may not.. but the health of the Internet does!!!!!
> "Shortfork"
> All Aviation FlightLine OnLine