a day or two off work on release!
...but, I am getting pissed off with all the people here who seem to
be claiming that it will be so perfect, it will change your life, etc.
I remember that being said about Windows 95 too.
The fabled usable SVGA mode on 486's seems to be now just a rash dream
from over-enthusiastic salesmen, as no-one is commenting now on the
current betas being fast, and time's getting a bit short to do drastic
With all this build-up, any minor flaw will seem like a fatal
showstopper, as we all know that Sir Geoff, the First Knight of the
Software Round-Table, is infallible and we are all unworthy of his
gifts, and it is our sin in wanting GP2 that has brought the bugged
damnation upon us.
REMEMBER, IT'S ONLY A SIM, but probably a pretty darned fine one at
that. I'm having a ball currently with Indy II, and I can live with
the bugs and the occasional Hand of God because I purchased it without
any massive expectations of it changing my life.
PS: Whew, I feel better after that!
PPS: I'll be donning my flame-proof overalls for my next few visits to
here <g>