> Is this any good ? It comes bundled with the TM GP1 in the UK at
> the moment, and I wonderred if I could replace GP2 with it.
> Thanks.
> John
> --
> John Hartridge | FUJIFILM Electonic Imaging Ltd,
> ext 3282 | Three Cherry Trees Lane,
The other post is certainly correct, Power F1 stinks. The only sim that
takes on GP2 is F1RS, and it is super for a first effort. That said,
those bundles may still be a good deal. My GP1 came bundled with NFSSE,
which I don't play but I sure love the wheel. If the price is
reasonable, pick it up for the excellent wheel. Some in the group will
bash the GP1 as an entry level wheel, don't let 'em fool you. I have
worn out a T2 and actually prefer the GP1 as with the wheel mounted
paddles there is nothing under your feet. I think this setup is often
preferable for someone whos computer desk is not a dedicated ***
station. I love mine, there's my two cents, or New Penny's in your case
All the best, Mike Davis
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."