N99 Touring Cars All weather

Dave Henri

N99 Touring Cars All weather

by Dave Henri » Fri, 19 Nov 1999 04:00:00

  Just when you think you've seen it all the guys at the Pits come
through with another inovation.  For this years Bullrun 1000 we will be
racing in several different weather conditions.  what's that you say???
Papyrus hasn't modeled changing weather?  Well the Pits Programmers have
come up with a utility that allows you to change a saved race from dry
to other conditions like rain, evening and night.  I just ran several
test laps:   After a few test laps I saved the race, exited, ran the
enviromental changer, and reloaded the saved race.  Ran some more laps,
saved, exited, echanged, etc.   It worked perfectly.  Started in
evening, with a bright red sunset, changed to rain(looked like daytime
then)  then changed to night.
  I think signups for the Bull1k ended today but Qualifying should begin
this weekend.  there will be a shootout amoung the top q drivers and
then the main race will begin next weekend.  Teams of 2 drivers will
have to complete 1000k at the Flat Bullrun course driving through rain,
darkness and brilliant sunshine(the cows don't seem bothered by all the
dave henrie
Bullrun 1000 featuring 2.0 litre Super Tourers and Aussie V-8 touring
Goy Larse

N99 Touring Cars All weather

by Goy Larse » Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>   Just when you think you've seen it all the guys at the Pits come
> through with another inovation.  <snip>

Geez Dave, Jan must really be paying you some serious money these days

Beers and cheers
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