I want the computer don't make only one pit stop.
> Can we change the pit stop strategy of the computer?
> I want the computer don't make only one pit stop.
> Thanks
> Dorian.
>> Can we change the pit stop strategy of the computer?
>> I want the computer don't make only one pit stop.
>> Thanks
>> Dorian.
This requires editing of the circuit files. In order to do this you will
need the circuits on the HD (they are normally stored on the CD where
you can't edit them). In order to do this you will need the NOCDROM
patch from GP2.COM. Install the patch.
You will also need Paul Hoad's Trackeditor V1.66 or later (this is also
at GP2.COM).
Using this you can find on it's menu bar a *PITLANE* section. On this
menu is the CC strategy settings.
This is the *Only* way to do it.
Needless to say, backup your saves etc.. first (although you have the CD
anyway - right?)
Hope this heps..
Mike Wallace