Kevin Gavit


by Kevin Gavit » Sun, 28 May 2000 04:00:00

Then there is somthing severly wrong with the model. Using real physics
there isn't any reason for this at all.  Properly done the model wouldn't
"care" about the weight of the car. It would simply plug the number into the
equations and spit out the appropriate reaction. The equations of rotational
inertia can be computed quite readily by hand on the back of a***tail
napkin, and are valid for weights less than a grain of sand to larger than a
planet. I think all cars fall within this range.

The limitations of modeling are really just how many factors of decreasing
magnitude you are willing to deal with.  To model the grosser physical
properties of a car dosn't really take that much. At least in terms of video
representation and apparent response to control inputs. Just like everything
else, it's the last 10% that takes 90% of the work.

Sure, if you  want to generate ACTUAL g loads on the sim driver you've got a
lot more work ahead of you. It IS a sim, not a real car.

We differ here too I guess. :) I don't like body roll, and I don't like
squishy long travel pedals. I've got a Mad Catz. The pedal travel is too
long. I need to stick a door stop under it. If my street car brake pedal
ever felt like that I'd be under it in a flash looking for the fluid leak
and/or where the air was getting into the system.

Well, you can find a post I wrote about Skip Barber Racing elsewhere in the
ng today. I'll hold my breath and pray on that one.

And you are absolutely right, I drive sims for much the same reason you do,
heck, even if I could take a competition car out on the street without tags
whenever I wanted to I couldn't cover the tire bill for the hours day I'd be
out there. So, I drive sims.

NOTHING beats a real car though.



by Davi » Sun, 28 May 2000 04:00:00

Well I am not so sure on that one since my physics is limited to college
physics 1 and that was like 15 years ago..  I would be willing to bet tho
they found out of worked fine out where they wanted for the wieghts of the
cars they were trying to model and decided to stop.  Yes that is the wrong
thing to do when you have such an open sim that a bunch of guys are making
cars right and left for the game and with notepad you can change the values
of the cars.   In reference to Nascar series.  they are no where close to
anything I drive, for the most part they are tanks and I like road courses
over ovals.  The canned wheelspin felt the worst of any game, that is where
GPL just flat ate the Nascar series lunch and well SCGT does to not as much
as GPL but it does.   GPL and Nascar also have limitations.  Ever seen some
of these setups with 1/2 of toe out in front and 1/2 toe in the rear.
those are unrealistic setups and should not work, but they do for some
reason.  My autocrosser does not even carry that much toe out in front, nad
I do not need to worry about tire scub at high speed like you do with road

Yes and again I think ISI flet they had the model down for the cars they
were modelling and then stopped.  Also its what they felt not what we felt
or someone who has only driven sim felt.  Overall its a fun game yes
lacking some things but also giving us items not seen in other games mainly
Sedans and sports racers.

Actaully since my autocrosser is an old Jap car a 72 Corolla to be precise
the pedal travel is pretty close on the Madcatz Andretti wheel.  tho its a
prepared car with slicks coilovers the car is very light at 1680 lbs the
brakes are pretty much stock.  I like having a bit more range in pedal
travel for sims since the pedals do not get harder you just make them
travel more for more braking.  Well most cars when you make pad contact the
pedal gets very firm and its pressure to get more braking not travel.  In
GPL the more travel the better for me since it gives you more feel and more
range in braking.  The throttle well I have over two inches of throttle and
it used to be very linear on my car, before the sidedraft Webers, so its
pretty close.

Well I read it and well I am wondering if its ever going to get out.  I
like it since it sounds like you will be working more on driving then
setting up.  WSC sounds neat, but most guys are going to get lost with
being able to change so many things like the control arm lengths and
caster.  after building my first front suspension, I know who easy it is to
***that up when you are trying to improve a design.  We will end up with
guys who are great at building a chassis for guys like Wolfgang Woeger.
GPL was too much for some guys setup wise since they were used to Nascar
racing snad Indaycar ll.  Having  crewed on Formula Atlantics, Fords and
Sports Racers I was used to it.  Also since that is my base of knowledge I
hope Skip Barber racing makes it, but Ihave my doubts about the maker.  

I will not be holding my breathe since I do not want to be called mister




by No » Sun, 28 May 2000 04:00:00

On Sat, 27 May 2000 05:15:21 GMT, "Kevin  Gavitt"

I was going to mention ovals, I don't hate ovals but driving on one
for more than 1/2 hr. tends to zonk me out. :-) I used to have Nascar1
and 2 so know the series quite well. Always, prefered ICR myself, but
will get the Nascar  Acceleration Pack that was just released by
Sierra because there is no updated ICR. :-(

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