You said what i am sure a lot of people THINK on occasion, but had
the GUTS to say it.
There are many people who enjoy the times in a simulation driving
game, but really are not interested in becomeing REAL LIFE Formula One
Champions! HA! These things are a L O N G
way from anything close to a qualifier anyway.
I read about these fast times, and I think ------------ "OK, so
what?" I enjoy these as much as anyone else, and have just as much
fun, I assure you.
I have been goofing around with the MONZA track in the GPL demo and
really have no desire to frustrate myself with the Formula 1 Lotus,
when I can have just as much fun with the Formula 2, and Formula 3
Lotus on that high speed (and MY favorite since the movie "GRAND
PRIX") track.
I suppose I feel as BEMO does as well. I am proud for all you "hot
shoes" who have lapped MONZA in a minute flat, and all that other
stuff. ----------------
I will concentrate on what I think is important --------------------
and that is having fun myself, and not listening to brags and
THANKS BEMO ------------------ you said a mouthful without taking
much time in the process.