> N2 doesn't compare to its predecessor
They actually share the same file...N2 though, uses 2 versions of
the original N1 sound sampled at a different rate. Papy couldn't
resist a good thing and placed the N1/N2 engine file into the GPL
demo...Hell, Bethesda liked it so much they used it in X-Car -
along with a piece of GP2's engine thrown in for good measure!
LOL! Oh, I don't know about that...seems like a pack of drunken
bees to me. ;)
All too true. =(
Keep that sound handy...GPL has superb graphics and devine physics,
but has sound that would cause anyone to have fits. Doesn't seem
like such a big deal, as I've tried my hand at sound...Got lucky a
couple of times (no cracks, eh!), but when it comes right_down_to
actually filtering noise, distorting a wave form, or boosting a signal
I find I'm way outta' my league.
Sound can be a very important part of any game/sim, and if done well
enough can help you overlook certain odities elsewhere. I, however,
am willing to allow Papyrus to have good (but not great) sound in
exchange for awesome gameplay, visuals and the like. I can easily
"fix" the sound to my liking, but if the physics are poor, or the
rest of the code isn't up_to_snuff, then what could I do?
While I feel the sounds by themselves are no better than previous
work, one thing that stands out from anything else I've played (by
anyone) is that each car has it's OWN sound! Sitting in the pits,
you could close your eyes and literally name the make of each car
that just screamed past. Yowsa! This is gonna' be great! =)
Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *