comfortable there. My best for months has been a 1:06:66 in a Lotus
using the soft Glen novice setup. The other night I was playing around
with Alison's Ferrari setups. I quickly noticed that they felt very good
and were quick too, in just 4 laps I was down to 1:07:03. This really
surprised me, since I am temporarily using a CompUSA formula wheel that
I picked up as a spare for U.S. $15.00. I am waiting for my NASCAR Pro
to be returned from RMA land, and also will be getting a Logitech
Formula Force for my B-day later this month.
Anyway, just for grins I went back to the Lotus and used Doug's newer
soft Glen and within 10 minutes clicked off a new personal record
1:06:38 ! And damn it all, did it with this POS wheel from CompUSA. I'm
shocked to say the least.
Go RAD, 3, Little 3(8), 1, 31, 33, 55