> >No, an internetworked low-latency game will never be perfect. There's
> >an underlying problem that electrons can only move so fast in
> >wires... But, it can be damn good.
> hope it doesn't run like Kali
Kali (and equivalents) have the problem that the server ("answerer")
are typically connected over the same quality connection as the
clients (28.8 modem). And typically, people don't have their modems
set up to disable error-correction and compression, both of which
drive latency higher.
So, in that sense, TEN is already one step ahead, because there's two
less modems in the chain from client to server. It will still be the
responsibility of the user to find a path to the TEN server with
minimal latency. Fixing your modem connect string to disable
error-correction, compression, auto-retrain, and pinning it to a speed
that your line can support (even if it's 14.4k or 9600) will all help
improve the playability of any internetworked, fast-action,
"twitch-type" game.