Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!


Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by greg » Fri, 19 May 2000 04:00:00

Hi folks,

I've downloaded a gillion killer cars for SCGT, and they're installed and
working well. Panoz, BMW, Audi, Caddy, all sweet! That's not my problem.

The problem is that for most of my races, GT1 cars that I don't like (such
as the Callaways and McLaren F1s) seem to take up 1/2 the field.

Is there any way (perhaps a patch or editing some file) where I can remove
these cars from my fields? Or perhaps a way to choose exactly which cars are
in my races?

I'd *LOVE* to be able to race Sebring against with BMW, Audi, Panoz,
Cadillac, and the Ferrari's and R&S's rounding out the field.

Thanks so much!


Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by Davi » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Get the latest GTVE  and put the cars you do not want to see a 0% so they
will not come up.

DO not have the addy close but its a good program.



Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by <l.. » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

Thanks... But could you clarify that.. and maybee the address..


Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by Davi » Sat, 20 May 2000 04:00:00

that will get to the editor where you can then adjust the availability of
cars from 0% to 100% to random.  The editor is quite good I have made a lof
of veh files with it.


> Thanks... But could you clarify that.. and maybee the address..
> Thanks
> leesee

> > Get the latest GTVE  and put the cars you do not want to see a 0% so
> > will not come up.

> > DO not have the addy close but its a good program.

> > Dave

Bruce Kennewel

Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 21 May 2000 04:00:00

What is a 'GTVE', David, and where does one get it?

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

Bruce Kennewel

Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 21 May 2000 04:00:00

Never mind.....I used what little grey matter I have and figured out, from
the clue 'GTVE' that it was V-Edit for Sports Car GT and is found at The
Pits web site under their SCGT page.
Elementary, my dear Watson!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> What is a 'GTVE', David, and where does one get it?

> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > Get the latest GTVE  and put the cars you do not want to see a 0% so
> > will not come up.

> > DO not have the addy close but its a good program.

> > Dave

Citylab Durba

Sports Car GT - Getting rid of cars? Please help!

by Citylab Durba » Sun, 21 May 2000 04:00:00

You have to go into your .veh files and edit a number there which decides on
the likelihood of that car being chosen to race.  I don't remember what the
line is and as I am at work I don't have access to SCGT at the moment.  Try or they might have more info on it.
I'm there are instructions in the reeadme that comes with the ALMS patch.


Citylab Durban
Tel:(+27 31) 309 2944
Faxl:(+27 31) 309 2933

Hi folks,

I've downloaded a gillion killer cars for SCGT, and they're installed and
working well. Panoz, BMW, Audi, Caddy, all sweet! That's not my problem.

The problem is that for most of my races, GT1 cars that I don't like (such
as the Callaways and McLaren F1s) seem to take up 1/2 the field.

Is there any way (perhaps a patch or editing some file) where I can remove
these cars from my fields? Or perhaps a way to choose exactly which cars are
in my races?

I'd *LOVE* to be able to race Sebring against with BMW, Audi, Panoz,
Cadillac, and the Ferrari's and R&S's rounding out the field.

Thanks so much!
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