Hey, I just took a few days off myself, and did nothing but drive GPL. I
was intent on driving all the cars on all the tracks and getting a GPL
Monsters Rank. I started off with the BRM and worked my way from slowest
car to fastest car. (I avoided the Lotus, which is what most of my PB's
were with.) When I got to the Eagle the times just started dropping.
Granted, my handicap is pretty high, so I had alot of room for
improvement. I went from a handicap of +49.09 to +32.74 in one weeks
time. My biggest gain came at the Ring, where I managed to drop 12
seconds off my PB in the Eagle, and turned a 8:45. My previous best was
a 8:57 in the Lotus, and I even managed to beat that with a 8:54 in the
Honda and a 8:53 in the Cooper! Those were two cars I never drove at the
Ring before. I used either the default set-ups with less gas, or
Alison's set-ups. I've tried Huttu's set-ups, and although they go like
a banshee in a straight line and corner real well, I just can't stop
with them. I always go flying-off the road when I hit the brakes. Must
just be me 'cause everyone else loves 'em. To each there own, eh!
Get a Monsters Rank, drive the cars you hate! Hope that helps.
Gary Stephenson
GPL F1 handicap:+33
GPL F2 handicap:+141
Monsters handicap:+492
> So here it is 12 hours into my day off, and I only managed to shave a sec
> off Mexico, 7/10ths at Mosport........(used GH's 85/45setup)...the whole
> point of this day was to get that *** 9:11 Ring time to respectable
> levels....oh yes and Spa to 3:20...neither happened....if ever a day felt
> wasted, this would have to be it!!
> Im sure some of you understand, but I really thought that a day off, all to
> myself would set new lows, (timewise)....was I ever wrong!
> --
> Greg31