> > Hi !
> > Is there any Replay in MidTown Madness ?
> > Do they plan to create European city ? Paris ? London ? Lyon ? Annonay
> > Ardche ( private Joke ) ?
> > Do they plan to create Europen cars ? Ferrari ? Mercedes ?
> > What i thinks about MidTown Madness
> > Traffic is cool.
> > Pedestrian are like crazy tennismen or maybe they think they diving in a
> > swimming pool ?
> > Cars physics is bad => if ( player_turns_wheel > X AND speed > too
fast ) then {
> > spinning };
> > Why there is no traffics in Multiplayer Mode ? IT's so difficult to
> > PCs in a network : i don't think so !
> > Try something :
> > - Block traffic cars in a small road : for exemple entry of the highway.
> > - Wait for 50 cars been blocked on this road ( funny ).
> > - Go away for 1 minute
> > - Be back on the road : the cars have disapear, and no big traffic on
the higway
> > !
> Yeah, as a traffic engineer i was kind of interested in how the traffic
> dynamics was handeled, but there are a lot of weaknesses with the traffic
> in midtown madness. Situations seems to occur when you are opproaching,
> it is alway a car of diffent kind that change lane just as I am about to
> by, and the traffic lights never change if you wait for it :)
Actually, if you didn't notice, MM's traffic light syste, is a bit peculiar.
Normally, there should only be two sets of traffic lights, one for roads
haeading N/S and the other for raods heading E/W, for example. In MM, on the
other hand, each intersection has FOUR traffic lights, one for each
direction! So if it is green light for cars heading West, then cars heading
North, East, and South would be stopped at a red light. And the programmers
to only allow ~15 seconds for cars in N/W and S/W to move (that's 30 seconds
total for the whole light cycle), but is divided between each direction, so
the green light stays on for about 7 secons while everyone waits about ~+15
seconds for the whole green light cycle to complete. Really, really odd
traffic light system, made it very unnecessarily complicated and unreal...
realistic traffic dynamics in midtown madness is probably a bit too much.
> > However, this game is really fun in single mode and in "Cop vs ***s"
> Couldn't agree more.
> > --
> > ====================================
> > Sbastien Tixier - Game Developper
> --
> Olav K. Malmin
> remove spam when replying