The amount of
> needless mousing back and forth between screens without simple
> keyboard control is borderline absurd.
> BTW, I may have not stated exactly the steps in the above examples,
> I only drew from memory some of the silly things I have experienced.
> I seriously question if anyone actually tested the sim for usability.
> Nascar2 has taken a serious step backward on flow and ease of use, in
> my opinion. N1 was slick and easy to use, N2 is irritating.
> Also, please notice (other than this factoid), I did not mention the
> missing savegame feature, a pretty basic feature of almost any game,
> much less than a Simulation.
There are several useful keyboard controls, same as N1 in N2. Also,
I've found the mouse much faster and easier to move about the menus with
than keyboard keys (wheel users couldn't use a joystick to menu up/down
in N1). Face it, we're in a mouse world now. I was training a friend
the other day on their office computer, as they had upgraded from an old
DOS 286 to a new Pentium with win95. Pointing and clicking was a
treacherous chore for them, as they struggled to figure out the mouse.
But I suspect as they get more accustomed to it over the next few weeks,
they'll learn to like it. My point is that yes, mousing for some people
is difficult, but if you're really used to it, it can be very fast and