because it crops up about every year or so...with the same answer.
Some people would do well to go check out our No Piracy Page, as they
are commenting on things that they know NOTHING about as if they were
experts. While I don't claim to be an expert, I have researched this
much in the past as we've had do so for our work, and also the No
Piracy Page. (
First off, even new tracks created by someone (but designed to
replicate a real track) have copyrights on their shape, likeness & such
by the track owners. The track owners can either A) ignore that their
track is being copied or B) decide to take action, such as ISC did with
Jed's original N1 Daytona. If they decide to do the latter, then no
more tracks...plain and simple. It amazes me how stupid some people
are sometimes, that they WANT to look a gift horse in the mouth. Go
Dave N. has done tons of things for the sim racing community, that
they've paid absolutely nothing for...from converters to convert the
tracks for free, to other utilities (3doEdit) and work even with the
TPTCC project. Anyone can charge for any utility that they want,
provided that they have not used someone's code (of which there is none
of Papy's code in the converters). David's program IS copyrighted via
rights of authorship, so yes, he can say something if someone posts his
stuff illegally. Again, more complainers who want everything for
free. Did you pay your ISP to get online? I'm sure you did, in one
form or fashion...but the internet is supposed to be free! Why don't
you complain to them and see what they say...
And yes, David has taken VERY much time to work on these projects...a
good bit of his free time over the last 3 years has been spent
researching Papy products, so personally I see no problems with him
attempting to recoup some of that work.
Next on the agenda. David does not usually frequent this newsgroup,
although I see he posted a bit today. I usually take up the reins of
questions about how stuff operates, and as many should be able to see
from some of the inane comments that have been posted recently, why
*should* he go on here to answer questions when alot of lamers will do
nothing but complain. I, however, have a heart of stone when it comes
to lamers, so lame away...14 years in the USAF does wonders for
learning how to converse with problem children... ;] Unfortunately,
I've not yet found out how to get them to do push-ups on the newsgroup..
At any rate, sorry to the rest of you for having to hear this discourse
again, maybe it should be added to the RAS FAQ! ;]
Jan Kohl
The Pits -
Sent via
Before you buy.