LFS: Gettin' Pissed off... (startin' new server)

Mike Beaucham

LFS: Gettin' Pissed off... (startin' new server)

by Mike Beaucham » Fri, 30 Aug 2002 15:21:53

Hey all,
I've been playin' LFS pretty extensively ever since it's been mentioned in
here. The online used to be GREAT. Now... things seem to be quite different.

I used to run a server all night, and have great races. I'd even keep it on
while I slept, on spectator mode to watch guys go at it. Now tonight, I made
a server.. a few people joined and we had a race. A really good race.. then
more people started joining. Last lap, last corner, I was in the lead by a
few seconds and someone driving backwards in a black turbo came and hit me.

So, I tell him the race is in the other direction and start racing again. To
make this story short, the same ***keeps happening until I get pissed and
turn off the server. I was going to join a game but the only servers I see
listed are like "Johnny's crash-athon" or like "backwards mayhem.." or like
"inexperienced turbo drivers only". etc. One server I joined, I got yelled
at for winning a race, because apparently I was supposed to let some other
guy win so he can "get enough points for a turbo". I asked him why he
doesn't just race a really long race against 8 AI guys, and he says that
he's "never played single player".  Needless to say, I didn't stick around
for him to win his turbo, so I can watch him race it for the first time

Yes, I'm pretty mad. and yes, I'm just using this NG to vent :)

When I want to race, there doesn't seem to be a RAS server online or
available. So, can I start my own server as a RAS server? It'll probably be
('s RAS server) or something? Of course, it will be
passworded.. so I guess I'll just use the current RAS password. "RASONLINE".

I think I officially give up on trying to race online on any of the PUBLIC
servers. Is there any website that lists all the good servers and their
passwords or anything? There seem to be a few other private ones up there
with lots of people.. if the racing is good, I wouldn't mind getting in on
it either.

BTW, my server is on a cable connection located in Canada. Hopefully I'll
see a few of you there, and say hi!



LFS: Gettin' Pissed off... (startin' new server)

by Darf » Fri, 30 Aug 2002 21:53:45

I Think that we need to get one of us to hold a list of trusted drivers from
ras that we can email with change of passwords etc.
Eventually the Wreckers will find the password on here.
I don't mind organising it if there are no other takers?


Darren Dunca

LFS: Gettin' Pissed off... (startin' new server)

by Darren Dunca » Fri, 30 Aug 2002 22:34:02

<Big Snip>

I'll keep an eye out for your server Mike.

We always have fun when racing together. I had to take a break after my 18
hour drive-a-thon the other night. Felt sick for 2 days afterwards! LOL! I
was still on after you'd called it a night and gotten up the next day.

Not good for you I can tell you.

aka Dags


LFS: Gettin' Pissed off... (startin' new server)

by GTX_SlotCa » Fri, 30 Aug 2002 23:08:16

If the guy in the black turbo logged in as Lan, I've met him.
Looks like the Midtown Madness kids have finally found the LFS demo.


Tweaks & Reviews

Mike Beaucham

LFS: Gettin' Pissed off... (startin' new server)

by Mike Beaucham » Sat, 31 Aug 2002 01:28:54

Hey "dags"! My g/f was having fun watching us race.. at least for a lap or
so :)


> > Hey all,
> > I've been playin' LFS pretty extensively ever since it's been mentioned
> > here. The online used to be GREAT. Now... things seem to be quite
> different.

> <Big Snip>

> I'll keep an eye out for your server Mike.

> We always have fun when racing together. I had to take a break after my 18
> hour drive-a-thon the other night. Felt sick for 2 days afterwards! LOL! I
> was still on after you'd called it a night and gotten up the next day.

> Not good for you I can tell you.

> Darren
> aka Dags is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.