"Virtual Spring" would be a computer generated spring force using the
FF motors instead of a bungie cord. The MS-FF wheel has this setting
for non FF games and you can vary the tension. I would expect that there
would be something similar in other wheels for non FF games, otherwise
it is useless to attempt to drive with.
Hey does this wheel work *PROPERLY* with N2/NR1999 (DOS
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
>No the wheel does not auto center in GPL. I am not really sure what you
>mean by virtual spring however.
>>> Well I found them finally (the FTP site needs a house keeper), they were
>>> named motorsports_13.exe they were dated from a couple of days ago. AND
>>> guess what? GPL works with USB even AND I like it better than the MS
>>Does the wheel auto-center with the virtual spring in GPL?
>>IMPACT Motorsports