I downloaded the avi fie showing the Panzer Mk3 manuvering . Judging from
the way it rocks on its suspension when it stops and starts it has the
making of a decent off road racer in it :). Of course it might be tough
keeping focused if you're the leader (what with all those gun barrells
pointing at your backside and all)
> I don't know how off topic it is -
> One of the first things done with WarBirds was online air races.
> Anyone up for a "Oklahoma Landrush" start to a tank race? ;)
> > Sorry to post a topic that's so far off base, however if there are any
> > flyers, or first person shooters, or Tank/Sea games fans out there.
> > game has truly captured my interest and looks fantastic. They are
> > to have 1000 people in a "theatre" at the same time.
> > http://www.wwiionline.com/index.html
> > Hell all I want do is drive the N4 engine someday with 43 online/or a
> > moderm GPL.
> > Chad Rogers
> > chadliz
> --
> Matthew V. Jessick Motorsims
> Vehicle Dynamics Engineer (972)910-8866 Ext.125, Fax: (972)910-8216