GP2 fix

Ian Hil

GP2 fix

by Ian Hil » Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>Does anyone have a fix or uninstall for the sports car/Le Mans
>cockpits in GP2?  I tried editing it in the CPD editor, but didn't

Just download any other***pit and replace it.


Chris Schmi

GP2 fix

by Chris Schmi » Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Does anyone have a fix or uninstall for the sports car/Le Mans
***pits in GP2?  I tried editing it in the CPD editor, but didn't
Jo Helsen (EDP

GP2 fix

by Jo Helsen (EDP » Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00

These are special***pits with completely customized LCDs etc. Not
supported by the current versions of G2EDIT or CPD Editor.

I believe the zipfile with the***pits contains all instructions to
install/remove them.


On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 22:43:03 +0100, "Ian Hill"

>>Does anyone have a fix or uninstall for the sports car/Le Mans
>>cockpits in GP2?  I tried editing it in the CPD editor, but didn't

>Just download any other***pit and replace it.


Jo Helsen    EDP Operations BF Belgium

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