> : GPL has a limit of 512mb of ram. Either create a ramdisk to take up the
> : extra ram, turn it off via windows or yank the extra stick out..
> : dave henrie
> No, GPL does not have a limit of 512MB ram. It works fine for me
> with 1GB of system ram. If you are using <W2K/XP/NT, you just
> need to limit the vcache to less than 512M if you have over 512M
> of physical memory.
> See
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;q253912
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;108079
The simpler way to do it is just increase the replay overide buffer in
the core.ini file.
Change or add these 2 lines to your core.ini file
[ Replay ]
replayMemoryOverride = 128000
The 128000 bit is a RAM number. You can increase or decrease it until
GPL works. 128k should be ok though.