: >I'm not sure how you define shortcutting through the trioval but I've never
: >been able to get a setup where I can get through the trioval without dropping
: >down onto the apron without nailing the wall on the way out. The trioval is
: >just way too sharp there.
: >
: > - Rich
: Rich,
: I agree completely about the trioval being too sharp at Talladega. In
: reality one often sees 3 a*** racing through there. However, with the
: computer sim it seems impossible to even race 2 a*** through the trioval.
: I was hoping this would be fixed with the 1.2 patch. Alas it has been
: improved but not fixed. In my opinion, the banks are too easy to
: negotiate while the trioval is too difficult.
: Any comments?
: Gary
As soon as I first got the demo for nascar before the real version came
out, I know that talladega was screwed up. I have been 2 a*** through
the trioval though. Unfortunately, I caused a big wreck doing it :).
Noone was seriously injured though. It seems like most of the other
tracks are pretty realistic but I'm no expert. I wonder why taladega is
messed up. I hope they don't mess up daytona if and when it comes out.
Ujjal Bansel