> What brand is your "m810" mobo? And is it an SDR mobo or DDR? It's
> pretty rare to get faulty hardware, 99.9% of the time it is either
> windows or drivers that are the cuprit, occasionally conflicts or
> similar.
> List some further details before we can help ya.
> Rafe Mc
Had a shop do a diagnostic on it and they tried everything, diff RAM,
CPU, power source, and the verdict was "video display stopped out
putting". Also, the power supply was under rated for the cpu in it.
Anyone know where to get good reliable service and a decent deal on a
> >Got a inexpensive new computer recently that has been freezing up in a
> >'hard lock' while attempting nearly anything. Thought it might need
> >different drivers than came with it, and had planned on adding a GF
> >card to it but is it worth hassling with or is it just a bad Mother or
> >something? Anyone have a similar motherboard or system that works OK?
> >AMD Athlon 1.33 Ghz
> >PC266 M810 Socket A motherboard
> >256 RAM
> >40 GB ATA-100 HD
> >64 MB AGP on-board video
> >on-board sound