it's my bigger disapointment for a game in my 10 years video games experience.
I'm really angry vs this stupid Geoff.
> >I just bought the game today. I was so e***d by this game.
> >The wait was too long.
> O.K.
> >So, I install the game and.............the problems start.
> Like... ?
> >First, the menus are uggly with this awful orange.
> Give us a break please?
> >The calibration of my MS gamepad took me 30 minutes, yes 30 minutes.
> Your g-g-gamepad?
> >It's the only game which has a such weird way of calibrate the controllers.
> >I had no problems with all my others games (MGPRS2, CMR, RC 2000, F1WGP,
> >F1 2000, etc.......). If someone has a MS Gamepad, please send me your file.
> LOL.
> >Then, the first time i play a race, it was awful.
> >The wheel in the car was all black !! A big annoying bug.
> My wheel is fine (beautiful). What type of video card do you have?
> Drivers? DX version? CPU speed? RAM?
> >Geoff was a real piece of shit. The cameras views are awful. Only one is
> >good,
> >the***pit view. The exterior view is awful and we can't ajust the zoom like
> >2000.
> So you drive it like an arcade racer?
> Oops, I forgot about the gamepad.
> >And why Geoff insert some unplayables cameras views (with "page up") instead
> >insert a "over helmet T view" or more exterior and***pits views ?
> I guess you've lost me. Do you want to drive from the suspension view, or?
> >The graphics suck. I tried all resolutions, even at 1280X1024, they suck.
> >are out of date.
> I disagree, but then again, your wheel is black and ugly, so..
> >If the game was released in 1997 or 1998, ok fine. But we are in 2000 !!!!!!
> Congrats!
> >About the data numbers while racing:
> >A lot of numbers are mising in F1 2000 while racing (speed, lap time,
> I guess he spent more time making the***pit the best.
> Maybe he didn't have time for all the arcade options.
> >It is, IMHO, It was
> >sad for me. But i didn't believe my eyes when i saw that Geoff, THE
> >perfectionnist for a lot of guys,
> >didn't includes any numbers in the screen.
> Numbers?
> >All the F1 game have now the official licence, so why don't use it ?
> He did.
> >Even MGPRS2, without licence, include the "official timing" features with the
> >real times sponsored
> >by Siemens or Tag Heuer. It was a key feature for realism.
> So you want the word 'Siemens' on the screen, or.. ?
> >But F1 2000 and GP3 don't include that. Shame on them. They want to be sim ?
> >They look like arcade games....
> Those 2 sims are hard to drive with that gamepad, huh.. ?
> >I AM VERY ANGRY with Geoff Cramond. He took 4 YEARS to do this ?!?!?!
> >The game is a really piece of crap.
> Return it. Be happy.
> >I bought F1 2000 in order to wait for GP3 in march, but finally this game is
> >better than this stupid GP3.
> Then, go drive F1-2000. I will drive both.
> >GP3 is just GP2 with (a very little) better graphics and rain. That's all.
> >Some of you think F1WGP is shit..Are you kidding me ? This game is 100X time
> >better than GP3.
> LOL. Does F1WGP have better gamepad support, or.. ?
> >The graphics are very good, they are a tons of very good***pit and exterior
> >views. It's finally with this game that
> >i will play until the release of CMR2 and WSC.
> O.K. Let us know when you drive WSC with that g-gamepad.
> >Ohhhhhh, it's like a nightmare. I wait for GP3 since a lot of months
> >and........I will don't play at it for the moment.
> >Maybe after a few weeks when some cool guys will make some great 3rd party
> >stuffs.
> Just return it, if you don't like it.
> >SUCKS............
> LOL.
> >I hope you read this NG and see how a lot of us think how ***is your stupid
> >game. the West Brothers read this NG in order
> >to have suggestions for their futur cool WSC. I guess you don't.
> Let us know how it goes with WSC and your g-gamepad.
> I'm laughing man, I really am.