I was driving to work today and it was raining and the road was
extremely wet. It was very humid and my windows began to fog up. I
turned on my defroster when a red object that looked like a spider came
flying at me. Well I am scared to death of spiders and I was half asleep
so I screamed and jerked.Well I was holding the wheel when I jerked and
I turned the car suddenly to the right and begun to slide and I was
heading straight for a guardrail which protected cars from about a 100
foot drop. I came to my senses and jerked the wheel to the left but I
over corrected and I was now heading for the median, after fighting the
steering wheel back and forth I finally brought the car under control. I
attribute my skillful save to the many hours I have spent on NASCAR 2
and to the man upstairs. Whewwwwww.............
Dag gum spiders!!!!
Kerry Grant