NASCAR track swapping?

Kirk Lan

NASCAR track swapping?

by Kirk Lan » Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I'm thinking it wouldn't be very hard to convert tracks to/from NASCAR
legends and NASCAR 3...

That, and I also saw some posts a while back (tho not complete thanks to my
newsserver) about converting N99 tracks to N3...

Basically, I want to get all of my tracks from N99/N3/NL available in N3/NL
(tho I know there is the 50-ish track limit in the calendar)...any ideas

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"It goes down the same as a thousand before
No one's gettin' smarter, no one's learnin the score
The never ending spree of death and *** and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope"
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