Yeah - I like it how it is - mind you, if it was realistic, in terms of
damage to the car <assuming you're still immune to damage in the car,
another story entirely> the car wouldn't actually explode, most of the time,
just... er... no brakes, no tires, somethin' :P
> > I'm a real motorcyclist so naturally I'm rather interested in finally
> > (SNIP)
> > I guess I'm wondering how 'sim-ish' and how much 'arcadish'
> > the motorcycle aspect of this game is.
> > Side note, are there bicycles to steal in the game?
> Ooooooh shit-yeah! There's two that I know of. One is a 4-stroke sounding
> harley-style bike used by a biker gang, and the other looks like ya
> high performance Jap or Duc of maybe 900cc or so - more a sports bike
> instead of a big tourer. The movies from the official Vice City website
> clearly shows cycle theft, riding and even some stunts. From the movies
> R* interviews, it looks entirely possible that the cycles will support
> and nose stands, and even flipping if you launch or stop too hard.
> There's also a moped if you class that as a bike :->
> Look around which is a Flash site. On the wall is
> red box with the keys of impounded vehicles. When you click on the keys
> get given a folder (it kinda plays like a game in the flash) and you'll
> photos and also movies of many of the vehicles. You'd probably learn a lot
> from watching them. It's my guess that the movies are all collected using
> "Cinematic Mode" for the in-game cameras, plus careful editing of course.
> GTA3 was reasonably realistic in terms of the driving physics - ie you
> detect noticable driving differences between different vehicles which
> corresponded to the expected behaviour of similar real cars. In fact,
> was definite characteristics of front-wheel, rear wheel and even
> cars for their handling.
> However the crash response was arcadish. Cars can be destroyed in stages
> I tell ya, you wouldn't expect this level of survival to happen in real
> life. As an aside, I really like the driving sim of GT3 but IMHO the
> complete lack of vehicle damage apart from abstract tyre damage is a major
> weakness in that otherwise fantastic driving sim.
> I have read a R* interview where they say the damage from cycle crashes
> be quite harsh and dependent on the speed. I'd expect the cycles to be
> relatively realistic for handling etc but also expect reasonable
> because after all this is a fantasy game and the goal is not ultimately to
> drive vehicles with 100% realism.
> > Can ped 'clothes line' me when I'm on the cycle?
> Interesting question - it'll be one of the first things I'll be trying :-)
> I'm also looking fwd to using the Samuri sword from a cycle.