F1 2000


F1 2000

by rrevve » Wed, 22 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>According to his writing style, I assume he is VERY young? :)


Here's an interesting thing. Mr. 'Stewart' and I were in a
back and forth email conversation and suddenly I noticed
that the REAL Tony Stewart was on my TV racing LIVE at

Either our Mr. Stewart is a fraud, or he has so much driving
potential that he can rub, race and email me on his laptop at
the same time. I think the truth is somewhere in-between.

I think he is 'rubbing' his 'lap'.


>>A very promising young talent in Nascar. Guess what number he drives under?

>>> Who is Tony Stewart?

>>> Andre

* rrev at mindspring dot com
* unit.26 - s.p.u.t.u.m.
Andre Warrin

F1 2000

by Andre Warrin » Thu, 23 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Didn't you ask him about this?


>>According to his writing style, I assume he is VERY young? :)


>Here's an interesting thing. Mr. 'Stewart' and I were in a
>back and forth email conversation and suddenly I noticed
>that the REAL Tony Stewart was on my TV racing LIVE at

>Either our Mr. Stewart is a fraud, or he has so much driving
>potential that he can rub, race and email me on his laptop at
>the same time. I think the truth is somewhere in-between.

>I think he is 'rubbing' his 'lap'.


>>>A very promising young talent in Nascar. Guess what number he drives under?

>>>> Who is Tony Stewart?

>>>> Andre

>* rrev at mindspring dot com
>* unit.26 - s.p.u.t.u.m.


F1 2000

by Kankki » Fri, 24 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Anybody buyed orginal F1 2000, is the FPS same as rip?

My specs.
550MHz PII
GeForce DDR
128 MB Ram

and rip version race is unplayable, really bad FPS.
I really hope the orginal is better.

-Jani Kankaanp??-

Chris Wrigh

F1 2000

by Chris Wrigh » Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I have read in various forums that some people reckon TNT cards are yielding
better fps figures, even over the GeForce cards.

Could it be that the game was developed on Nvidia hardware and is very card

I'm clutching at straws I know, but I just cannot believe that this game can
be playing universally awful.

SBK 2000 is a high water mark for EA's quality control. F1200 is exactly the
opposite. How did this happen?

I mean any game should work well on a range of cards and it is no get out
for EA if this is the case.

You can bet Microprose are happy people tonight.

Jo Helse

F1 2000

by Jo Helse » Sun, 26 Mar 2000 04:00:00

So you don't surf when it rains?  <G>

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                             John Kenneth Galbraith
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