f1 racing champ

Andre Warring

f1 racing champ

by Andre Warring » Tue, 04 Sep 2001 18:26:24

/me highly regrets his post :)


Thom j

f1 racing champ

by Thom j » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 00:35:57

I have been divorced and single for 21yrs now Haqsau and I did
have multiple hineys oops honeys at times but its old news now!
I agree wth your premise but I had a hell' of a good time with all
those young babes for months! :o)~ So it still would be 'aok' to
have Britney here for a week but my only problem is what in the
"H" would I do with her? hahahaha :o)~
Cheers From Ole' Tee aka -Thom_j.
'O' ya btw: I aint got a $kazillion anywayz so its all a dream! :)~

| Bah!  (Or should I say baaaaaaaaaaaaaa)  A few years back, shortly after
| my divorce (and shortly before, hehe) I went out with a number of very
| sweet young women (but not all at once!).  They're fun for a couple of
| hours, and then they get really annoying.  The age difference really
| does make a difference, I'm sorry to say.  So I might be willing to pay
| a kazillion for a couple of hours with Britney, but I wouldn't pay more
| than $5 for a whole week.  ;o)
| > Haqsau, If I wasnt so damm old & decrepit, I'd pay $Kazillion$ for
| > a week with her... YummmmmmmmY!! :o)~ btw: dont ya'all think
| > Britney looks like a young Heather Locklear?
| >
| > | Oh come on, I'd be willing to pay at least $5 for a week with
| Britney!
| > |
| > |

| > | > Ok I'll go $4.01 if you throw in the shipping, a brand new
| > | > TM Ferrari FF Race Wheel and a week with Britney S. :)~
| > | >

| > | > | I'll go $4, if you throw in the shipping.
| > | > |
| > | > | --
| > | > | Fester
| > | >

| > | > | >
| > | > | > I'll bid $3.01 :)

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Thom j

f1 racing champ

by Thom j » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 00:40:11

Eldred it appears that Andre is Baaaaaaaaa'shful!! :)

| What the...a sheep...???
| Um, Andre?  You should get out more... <g>
| Eldred

| >
| >$4,50 and one sheep, final offer.
| >
| >Andre

| >>I'll go $4, if you throw in the shipping.

| >>>
| >>> I'll bid $3.01 :)

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f1 racing champ

by Eldre » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 00:44:13

>Haqsau, If I wasnt so damm old & decrepit, I'd pay $Kazillion$ for
>a week with her... YummmmmmmmY!! :o)~ btw: dont ya'all think
>Britney looks like a young Heather Locklear?

Thank you - now I'll at least be able to tell her and Christina Aguilera

Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
F1 hcp. +16.36...Monster +360.54...

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Thom j

f1 racing champ

by Thom j » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 00:51:53

really?? hahaha

| /me highly regrets his post :)
| Andre

| >What the...a sheep...???
| >Um, Andre?  You should get out more... <g>
| >
| >Eldred

| >>$4,50 and one sheep, final offer.
| >>
| >>Andre

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Olav K. Malm

f1 racing champ

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 01:53:20

> Eldred it appears that Andre is Baaaaaaaaa'shful!! :)

Like I've told aussies say about kiwis, "Just helping it over the
fence" :)

> |
> | What the...a sheep...???
> | Um, Andre?  You should get out more... <g>
> |
> | Eldred

> Andre Warringa writes:
> | >
> | >$4,50 and one sheep, final offer.
> | >
> | >Andre

> | >>I'll go $4, if you throw in the shipping.

> | >>>
> | >>> I'll bid $3.01 :)

> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.273 / Virus Database: 143 - Release Date: 8/16/2001

Olav K. Malmin
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f1 racing champ

by Galley_SimRace » Tue, 04 Sep 2001 22:40:42

> Bah!  (Or should I say baaaaaaaaaaaaaa)  A few years back, shortly
> after
> my divorce (and shortly before, hehe) I went out with a number of very
> sweet young women (but not all at once!).  They're fun for a couple of
> hours, and then they get really annoying.  The age difference really
> does make a difference, I'm sorry to say.  So I might be willing to
> pay
> a kazillion for a couple of hours with Britney, but I wouldn't pay
> more
> than $5 for a whole week.  ;o)

My girlfriend is 25.  I'm 36.  She hasn't gotten "annoying" yet! :-)
"Life is what you experience between racing games"
Thom j

f1 racing champ

by Thom j » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 02:49:27

Ok Ok Ok I Poor Andre is getting the raw end of the wool
here.. Sorry Andre we'zz just funnin' :)

| Like I've told aussies say about kiwis, "Just helping it over the
| fence" :)
| "Thom j."writes:
| > Eldred it appears that Andre is Baaaaaaaaa'shful!! :)
| > |
| > | What the...a sheep...???
| > | Um, Andre?  You should get out more... <g>
| > |
| > | Eldred
| >
| > Andre Warringa writes:
| > | >
| > | >$4,50 and one sheep, final offer.
| > | >
| > | >Andre
| >

| > | >>I'll go $4, if you throw in the shipping.
| >

| > | >>>
| > | >>> I'll bid $3.01 :)

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Thom j

f1 racing champ

by Thom j » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 03:53:37

YummmmmmY! Galley_SimRacer Any pics?? hehehe
Yea yea yea guyz I know me bad & a dirty ole man to
boot :o)~

| My girlfriend is 25.  I'm 36.  She hasn't gotten "annoying" yet! :-)
| --
| "Life is what you experience between racing games"
| Galley

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f1 racing champ

by Haqsa » Wed, 05 Sep 2001 05:38:03

I probably should just not post in this thread anymore, before I dig
myself in too deep.  I actually think the older man/younger woman thing
can work quite well, as long as we are talking about women, as opposed
to girls.  My comment was referring to girls in the 18 - 21 year range.
They're fun to be with, but just not mature enough to be a partner to
someone in their 30's.  People mature a lot after they get out of school
and as they approach 30, and age difference definitely becomes less
important as you get older.  It has more to do with maturity difference
than age difference.  There.  Hopefully I have not completely buried
myself with that comment.  ;o)


f1 racing champ

by Eldre » Thu, 06 Sep 2001 13:05:56

>My girlfriend is 25.  I'm 36.  She hasn't gotten "annoying" yet! :-)

25?!?  How'd you manage THAT???<g>

Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
F1 hcp. +16.36...Monster +360.54...

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Thom j

f1 racing champ

by Thom j » Thu, 06 Sep 2001 18:31:48

Maybe he meant Two 12&1/2s?? :)

| 25?!?  How'd you manage THAT???<g>
| Eldred

| >My girlfriend is 25.  I'm 36.  She hasn't gotten "annoying" yet! :-)

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