Well, I can no longer play GP2 as the CD started acting up a few days ago
and now refuses to work at all. All my other CDRoms are fine. Does
anyone have any suggestions or will I have to ship it back to SH/MP for a
replacement? When I put the CD in, the drive constantly clicks as it
attempts to read it. On occasion I can start to play the game, but with
multiple minute delays as it labors to read the CD, and then, when I get
on track almost all the graphics are now gone, I can drive around on a
big grey screen. I liked the ICR2 install much better, you could put the
CD away for storage and never worry about it again, which, incidentally
is what I've done since GP2 came out. Looks like I'll have to do an ICR2
reinstall until I get this worked out.