Hi Mike,
That's not the way I read it. Seems to me she was merely agreeing that
one should make up their own mind. I too agree.
*Had* great potential, but appears to lack a certain "class" that GP2,
ICR2, and N2 have.
*Might* be a great sim, provided some of the glaring issues surrounding
it are taken care of.
Yes, the menus were well thought out.
Until they discover there aren't any tire temps. =P
Current build is a bit whacked, to say the least. I suppose you'll
just have to wait for *my* own review. ;)
True. Multiplayer is certainly one of CPR's strongest points.
The sound is fine, and welcome after experiencing so many "sims" that
completely missed the boat. However, I feel that the graphics, although
nicely detailed, are still...uh...blended (for lack of a better word),
and there is little (if any) depth. It's a bit like soup, where all
items are thrown into a pot and stirred around. Tastes fine, but you
might have a hard time telling what's what.
The only reason I sweat when driving CPR, is that I'm working harder to
keep the car in shape. I don't have the seat time to judge if CPR is
"real", but I have plenty of other real-world racing experience to bank
on to know that something's amiss.
Just as you say, I have mucho fun at Long Beach as well...I would have
to be a nut not to, since I work across the street from the circuit!
However, since the sim lacks full-course yellows, I find it terribly
difficult to be as enthralled with CPR as you seem to be. This single
point has to be one of the worst omissions from a sim I've seen in
quite a while.
Yep, a NG for all. Best to debate over an issue rather than take the
offensive against another, no? ;)
Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News - USA