What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?


What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Ke » Sun, 28 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>Boy am I glad that you are the one who "started this"...hehehe
>Driving with the keyboard or a standard type joystick is DEfinately
>faster, lap times performancewise. It brings up a point.
>I, personally, would not be inclined to compare my times with a
>keyboard or joystick driver. I would, however, be interested in =

>comparing times with a T2 or other "wheel" driver. The difference
>as you mentioned has to do with "simulation" and suspension of
>disbelief. =

>I'm not knocking the keyboard or joystick users, just pointing out
>that it is CLEARLY unrealistic to drive an auto sim that way, and
>therefore, I'm NOT impressed by times posted using those controls.

>Just my $ 0.02, now that you've opened "that can of worms"...hehehe

>JEB in Vegas

I agree w/you. I'm sure a lot of keyboard users will complain about _____(fill
in your own complaint) Another thing that a lot of folks seem to be missing, is
that most of the hot lap replays I've seen so far, it looks like the drivers
are using steering help. Steering help alone should disqualify you from "Real
HotLap Competition" or something to that effect. Using steering help is the
most unrealistic setting in the game. I propose that whoever runs hotlap
competitions, find a way to distinguish those of us that prefer to do our
driving "unassisted"
John Wallac

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by John Wallac » Sun, 28 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Hi Mike,

Here are two. One which I use myself (TSW.CON) and also one which Marc
(SRN-USA) sent me. He got it from a GP2 event, where Alessandro Zanardi
drove the car at the US500 in Michigan. He set the controller up to feel
like his old F1 car, so you can try that - a touch more realism. I was
going to include it with Sim News in August, but what the heck :)


[ Section: 1/1 File: tsw.con Encoder: Turnpike Version 1.11 ]

begin 644 tsw.con

sum -r/size 36284/124 section (from "begin" to "end")
sum -r/size 39324/71 entire input file
[ Section: 1/1 File: zenardi.con Encoder: Turnpike Version 1.11 ]

begin 644 zenardi.con


sum -r/size 32544/128 section (from "begin" to "end")
sum -r/size 20752/71 entire input file

         __    _____|                                 |_____    __
________|  |__|    :|           John Wallace          |     |__|  |________

  \    :|  |::|    :|        Team WW Racing TSW       |     |::|  |     /
    >  :|  |::|    :|_________________________________|     |::|  |   <
  /    :|__|::|____/       * Sim Racing News *         \____|::|__|     \
/______:/  \::/ \::/  \._____\

Duane Morehea

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Duane Morehea » Sun, 28 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> > I'm not knocking the keyboard or joystick users, just pointing out
> > that it is CLEARLY unrealistic to drive an auto sim that way, and
> > therefore, I'm NOT impressed by times posted using those controls.

> > Just my $ 0.02, now that you've opened "that can of worms"...hehehe

> > JEB in Vegas

> I only have my joystick :( While I would love to get a wheel, I just
> don't have the cash. However, lumping joystick users in with the
> keyboarders is unfair IMO. The response from the analogue controls of a
> joystick is far more realistic than the keyboard.

> BTW, why is a joystick faster than a wheel? They are both analogue.

> Julian

> _____________________________________________________________________

>                                 University of Oxford

Whaaaaaa cry baby!!  
   In racing the guys with the most money, effort, and brains.  Do much
better than the people who don't put as much in to it.  So to all you
keyboarders buy a wheel and pedals or make your own and shut up!  And
for all you guys that want a seprate class for you keyborders.  Their
all ready is one it is called SKILL LEVEL 0!!!


Dave Robert

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Dave Robert » Mon, 29 Jul 1996 04:00:00

I use the keyboard as I have no other option. As for steering help I
wish I could turn it off but when I use the keyboard option in the
control menu I can't seem to turn it off, it is 'greyed out'.
How can I get rid of it?


    ( 0_ 0 )   -.  (     ).-.__.)       *** Kitty mmeeeeeoooowwwwwww
     (_Y_.)'  ._   )  ._ . -..-'        Cheers
   _..--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'             Dave Roberts
  (().-''  (().'  ((!.-'      

Chris Co

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Chris Co » Mon, 29 Jul 1996 04:00:00

I use keys

Yes they suck.

I havn't a joystick or a wheel, but am saving for a wheel.

with keys in F1GP1 it was more than possible to get respectible lap
times as your wheels didn't lock up under braking or wheelspin under
acceleration, which are the two major problems for key users in F1GP2.  
With keys your brake and accelerator pedal are like light switches,
either on or off, which makes the car impossible to drive without the F7
help on and still very hard with it on.

3 things i have noticed also,

1.  In qualifying, the session ends exactly when the time is up.  This
is not what ACTUALLY happens at GP's.  As long as you (read they) pass
the start/finish line  merely seconds before the end of the session
(indicated by the checkered flag) that lap will be included.  In GP2, it
doesn't matter where you are , once it says qualifying over, thats it
(annoying if you were on a really good lap)

2.  If we submit lap times using the Hot Lap thingy, who is to say that
you not slipstreaming on that lap.

3.  Has anyone found the manual full of everything but what you really
want to know.  ie on the car damage image in the***pit, what are the
two strips that glow down the middle of the car every now and then, the
plank? the undertray?  not in the manual.  Also other things are either
missing or just too hard to find.

The game however is THE BEST game i have played EVER.  Will be much
better if i can ever afford that wheel!  If you are thinking of getting
it, stop hurting yourself and go out and get it.

Christo van Schalkw

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Christo van Schalkw » Tue, 30 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Rycx)Mon, 29 Jul 1996 16:59:08 GMT writes:
:>>Care to share your *.con file with it.  Since these files are so small I
:>>think it is okay to post them here in r.a.s. (they are smaller than most
:>>messages here, so don't start a flame war on this folks).  I am very
:>>interested in seeing how other have setup their T1/2's for GP2.
:>See on your CD Rom of GP2. You will found a t2.con file which will
:>solve your problems.

I use mu Thrustmaster x-axes for steering, fire button for gears and the WCSII
for throttle and breaks. This works like a charm for me.

I'm buying a T2 tommorow though (payday) :)



Univ of Pretoria      | WWW   :
South Africa          |


What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by AK » Wed, 31 Jul 1996 04:00:00

On Sat, 27 Jul 1996 14:01:38 -0700, Duane Morehead

>> > I'm not knocking the keyboard or joystick users, just pointing out
>> > that it is CLEARLY unrealistic to drive an auto sim that way, and
>> > therefore, I'm NOT impressed by times posted using those controls.

>> > Just my $ 0.02, now that you've opened "that can of worms"...hehehe

>> > JEB in Vegas

>> I only have my joystick :( While I would love to get a wheel, I just
>> don't have the cash. However, lumping joystick users in with the
>> keyboarders is unfair IMO. The response from the analogue controls of a
>> joystick is far more realistic than the keyboard.

>> BTW, why is a joystick faster than a wheel? They are both analogue.

>> Julian

>> _____________________________________________________________________

>>                                 University of Oxford
>Whaaaaaa cry baby!!  
>   In racing the guys with the most money, effort, and brains.  Do much
>better than the people who don't put as much in to it.  So to all you
>keyboarders buy a wheel and pedals or make your own and shut up!  And
>for all you guys that want a seprate class for you keyborders.  Their
>all ready is one it is called SKILL LEVEL 0!!!


OH Stuff It...
Keiron Ra

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Keiron Ra » Fri, 02 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>I use the keyboard as I have no other option. As for steering help I
>wish I could turn it off but when I use the keyboard option in the
>control menu I can't seem to turn it off, it is 'greyed out'.
>How can I get rid of it?


At an intuitive guess, and with apology for pointing out the obvious,
I'd say you can't!

Think about it.

Keyboard is switched on/off (digital) input. Not exactly offering
finesse in steering now is it?

If you didn't have steering help ON, then it would be the equivilent of
going full lock to full lock, with every alternating key input, or
alternatively in large angular changes, which would be a function of the
time the key was kept depressed & implementation of the keyboard repeat
function in the game. (someone else may care to elaborate here)

In this mode (steering help - OFF) if it were an option, the car would
be uncontrollable.

Thus steering help off isn't an option with the keyboard as your
steering device.


                --- Cogito Ergo Sum ---              *

* Fidonet:       (temporarily unavailable)            *
    Keiron Rado, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia     *  

Sami Nurme

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Sami Nurme » Sat, 03 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>>I use the keyboard as I have no other option. As for steering help I
>>wish I could turn it off but when I use the keyboard option in the
>>control menu I can't seem to turn it off, it is 'greyed out'.
>>How can I get rid of it?
>At an intuitive guess, and with apology for pointing out the obvious,
>I'd say you can't!
>Think about it.
>Keyboard is switched on/off (digital) input. Not exactly offering
>finesse in steering now is it?
>If you didn't have steering help ON, then it would be the equivilent of
>going full lock to full lock, with every alternating key input, or
>alternatively in large angular changes, which would be a function of the
>time the key was kept depressed & implementation of the keyboard repeat
>function in the game. (someone else may care to elaborate here)
>In this mode (steering help - OFF) if it were an option, the car would
>be uncontrollable.
>Thus steering help off isn't an option with the keyboard as your
>steering device.

If you really want to try keyboard steering with no steering
lock, check
But believe me, it's not worth it :)

BTW, it just occurred to me a few days ago that I've got a brake
pedal controller right at home: an old volume pedal in my
synthesizer stack. It's pivoted in the middle so it's not really
like a true pedal, and the maximum resistance (electrical, that
is) is less than the 100k used in game controllers, but it was so
easy to rig up that I decided to try. I just bought 2 15-pin
D-connectors (male and female) and made a short cable that plugs
between the computer and the joystick. All pins were connected
directly from male to female, except for the robbing of +5v
signal from pin 9 and feeding it through a 6.3 mm jack to pin 11
( joystick 2's x-axis) in the female d-connector (the pin 11 was
left unconnected in the male connector). So now I just put my
joystick on this extension cable and the volume pedal to the 6.3
mm connector, and voila: the stick provides steering (stick1),
clutch (stick 1 y), throttle (stick2 y, my Firebird has a
throttle lever at the side of stick) and the pedal gives brake.
Analog braking makes really a huge difference.

So, check your household for old volume controllers :) You might
find them real cheap from some second-hand music shop. They
usually have very reliable pots.


What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Richa » Sat, 03 Aug 1996 04:00:00


As much as I disagree with all the postings complaining about the
inability to switch off the steering help, while playing with the
keyboard, I would like to point something out.

In REVS, G. Crammond's F3 simulator for the BBC and C64, there was no
intrusive steering help, in fact you could say there was no help at
all.  Steering with the keyboard worked by holding the key down, the
longer it was held the more angle.  If you let go of the direction
key the steering would centre quickly.  Obviously if you wanted to
alter your line slightly mid corner it was awkward.  You either
continued to steer more or straightened up then had to steer again.
This problem was overcome by the brilliantly simple action of
pressing the opposite direction.
Imagine turning right.  You hold the steer right key till the maximum
required lock is attained.  You then hold down the steer left key
while still holding the steer right key.  The lock locks, so to
speak.  To wind of the lock you had to quickly let go of the steer
right key to allow the steering to straighten a little then press it
again to hold it again.
This system was remarkably sucessful.
The further from the straight a head position you got the quicker the
rate of steering became.  Though at a really tight corner, like a
hairpin, the normal steering rate was not quick enough.  So you
pressed the spacebar to accelerate the steering rate.
IIRC it also had a slight help function where only when you were got
to a tight corner did the full steering lock become available without
the use of the spacebar.

As I said this system worked well, especially for the simpler
circuits such as the version of Silverstone used.  A later update of
REVS, REVS+ on the C64 only I think, had a steering help feature.  It
took the earlier mentioned limited lock feature a bit further by
limiting the lock to the right sort of level required for a given
corner.  It certainly didn't steer into corners for you.
This method of steering may work on an F1 game but the an F3 car is
much slower and has a lot less power.   Power slides were almost
impossible so it might be very difficult to use in F1.

I hope all that made sense.  If any one who has played REVS recently,
I haven't for about 5 years, could correct any errors I have made I
would be grateful.

Having said all that I didn't become really good at REVS till I got
an analogue steering controller.
I can understand the keyboard users frustration with the steering
help, I wanted mouse steering on F1GP1 for the ST, but I really feel
that an analogue joystick or steering wheel is the only way.


this thread, finished at a degree at SHU last year can he E-mail me.




Dave Robert

What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Dave Robert » Sun, 04 Aug 1996 04:00:00

Hi Richard

Wow, I didn't think there were many of us Revs players left!
ISTR that in Revs you had another key to give you steering help. I used
to use < and > for left and right but when the wheel turn became slow
you could press space to speed it up.

I have always used the keyboard from Revs though F1GP on the Atari ST
and then PC to todays F1GP2. I just can't use a joystick as I don't get
a feel for driving the car.

Wandered into PC world today and they had F1GP2 running on a P5 200Mhz
with a cheapish (40ukp) steering wheel attached. With all detail except
sky the game ran ok but I think the machine had a poor graphics card so
it could have been better. The wheel was ok ish but lacked any sort of
quality feel but it was very smooth, I think the thrustmaster would be
the way to go but it's a lot of money for a game which I will most
likely tire of in a few months.

>this thread, finished at a degree at SHU last year can he E-mail me.

Sorry but I'm not that Dave Roberts.


    ( 0_ 0 )   -.  (     ).-.__.)       *** Kitty mmeeeeeoooowwwwwww
     (_Y_.)'  ._   )  ._ . -..-'        Cheers
   _..--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'             Dave Roberts
  (().-''  (().'  ((!.-'      


What driving method U guys have to drive GP2?

by Richa » Tue, 06 Aug 1996 04:00:00

I haven't played it for about 5 years now.  I dug out the old C64
last year but it has broken.  I will have to pick up another one
I am thinking of putting together some sort of Revs WWW page now
that Demon has given all it's subscribers some server space.
E-mail em if you have any ideas for content.

>>this thread, finished at a degree at SHU last year can he E-mail me.
>Sorry but I'm not that Dave Roberts.

Oh well.  Right name, right country and an interest in F1GP.
Thanks for letting me know.




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