As much as I disagree with all the postings complaining about the
inability to switch off the steering help, while playing with the
keyboard, I would like to point something out.
In REVS, G. Crammond's F3 simulator for the BBC and C64, there was no
intrusive steering help, in fact you could say there was no help at
all. Steering with the keyboard worked by holding the key down, the
longer it was held the more angle. If you let go of the direction
key the steering would centre quickly. Obviously if you wanted to
alter your line slightly mid corner it was awkward. You either
continued to steer more or straightened up then had to steer again.
This problem was overcome by the brilliantly simple action of
pressing the opposite direction.
Imagine turning right. You hold the steer right key till the maximum
required lock is attained. You then hold down the steer left key
while still holding the steer right key. The lock locks, so to
speak. To wind of the lock you had to quickly let go of the steer
right key to allow the steering to straighten a little then press it
again to hold it again.
This system was remarkably sucessful.
The further from the straight a head position you got the quicker the
rate of steering became. Though at a really tight corner, like a
hairpin, the normal steering rate was not quick enough. So you
pressed the spacebar to accelerate the steering rate.
IIRC it also had a slight help function where only when you were got
to a tight corner did the full steering lock become available without
the use of the spacebar.
As I said this system worked well, especially for the simpler
circuits such as the version of Silverstone used. A later update of
REVS, REVS+ on the C64 only I think, had a steering help feature. It
took the earlier mentioned limited lock feature a bit further by
limiting the lock to the right sort of level required for a given
corner. It certainly didn't steer into corners for you.
This method of steering may work on an F1 game but the an F3 car is
much slower and has a lot less power. Power slides were almost
impossible so it might be very difficult to use in F1.
I hope all that made sense. If any one who has played REVS recently,
I haven't for about 5 years, could correct any errors I have made I
would be grateful.
Having said all that I didn't become really good at REVS till I got
an analogue steering controller.
I can understand the keyboard users frustration with the steering
help, I wanted mouse steering on F1GP1 for the ST, but I really feel
that an analogue joystick or steering wheel is the only way.
this thread, finished at a degree at SHU last year can he E-mail me.