All of your posts are coming out duplicated.
All of your posts are coming out duplicated.
* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
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Why don't you quote what you are replying to in your posts?
* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!
Are you replying to me? What news reader are you using? If you select
reply in any news reader I have used it always quotes the previous
text unless you have set an option for it not to. I purge read posts
everytime I retrieve new posts so I don't see the previous post to
yours and I'm sure not going to read both just to understand who and
what you are replying to anyway. You just need to find the option in
your software for this to work properly. You don't need to quote the
complete text. Just enought to know what you are replying to.