Mondays, Tuesdays and Open Setups on Thursdays. Racing starts at 8:00pm est
for fixed racing and 7:30pm est on Thursdays for open setups. We have
beginner and veteran divisions. Currently we have 65 members and have had
up to 26 people in a race - average attendence is approx 18 to 20 per race.
Race lengths are 50% on Sunday, 40% Monday and Thursday, 35% on Tuesday.
The server is a dual CPU machine sitting on a T3 line. No membership fees.
We only ask that you race clean. We review all replays and track who causes
wrecks. If you cause 3 wrecks in a race or cause a wreck for 3 consecutive
weeks in a division then you're suspended from that division.
If you're interested in joining please email me directly. We will stop
accepting new members once we hit 25 drivers per race.