VL3000 true color local bus video card and the performance is nowhere near as
good as I got with Indycar Racing when my machine only had 4 MB RAM and a
Trident 8900C ISA bus video card. I have to turn almost all the graphics
details to "Auto" just to get a decent frame rate and this is with 6 ahead/3
behind/2 heard which is about the least detail I want to run. How come Indycar
could draw all the cars in the field (i.e., during the pace lap) and still get
excellent frame rates with everything except grass and asphalt textures? It
seems to have something to do with the sound (I'm using an SB16) - when I run
NASCAR with the -f (FM sound) switch, the performance improves dramatically. I
just don't understand it. And, how come the replays can show all the cars in
the field and almost all of the graphics details smoothly and the same thing
can't be done while driving? If anyone has any ideas on how I can change my
computer/game setup to get better performance (short of buying a Pentium) or if
anyone has an explanation for the difference between NASCAR and Indycar, please
let me know.
Thanks for the help,
Kevin R. Patrick *
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