n2 tracks to n3

Another Monkey with a Keyboa

n2 tracks to n3

by Another Monkey with a Keyboa » Wed, 26 Jan 2000 04:00:00

how do i convert my n2 tracks to use in n3?


-=] I'm not an expert, but i play one on the internet [=-

Dave Henri

n2 tracks to n3

by Dave Henri » Thu, 27 Jan 2000 04:00:00

  copy the track folders into your N3 tracks folder.  Then run the N3
patch available from the uspits.  One warning.  The original N3 program
only allows 40 track folders, any more and the program will crash.  the
beta 1104 allows more(how many?  I'm not sure) and you can bet anyone
who gets the truck addon will also be able to have more tracks.
Probably somewhere around 64 but that is only a guess.
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