Will N3 tracks work in N2 ?


Will N3 tracks work in N2 ?

by Macki » Thu, 23 Sep 1999 04:00:00

could get indy N3 to work in N2 :)

Will N3 tracks work in N2 ?

by TSmith42 » Fri, 24 Sep 1999 04:00:00

Some of the N3 tracks will work in Nascar2. Indy for example will work.
Copy the event logos and track shot pcx and track logo pcx from your n2 track
to the new n3 track, and of course add it to the calendar.  Some of the n3
tracks I have noticed when put into N2, the groove part of the track is not the
right color.  California for example has a yellow groove, Atlanta has a white
groove.  Texas and Indy looked good.

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