Hi Gerald,
I found that with ovals, the easiest way to let drivers through is by
occupying the high groove. This prevents you from sliding up into another
car. Furthermore, the faster drivers should be able to hold the low groove
better and get the pass made cleanly.
There are a few tracks like Texas(?) where the high groove is fastest, but
those are the exception.
> After smacking the wall a few times, I am signifigantly slower than the
> rest of the field... where is the best place for me to drive to stay
> out of the folks who are still racing? I would think low, but I tend
> to get run over a lot in that line, especially by AI's.
> Any of you league racers have a preference?
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.
Jason Monds
http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL)
http://members.home.net/stuff.mondsj/csp - Car Sim Project
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)