Subject: Re: Talladega - Drafting
J>Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 22:09:59 GMT
J>It does include drafting in the simulation. I don't use it that much,
J>but if I draft for a couple seconds coming up behind someone, it seems
J>much easier to pass them. The other benefit of drafting is fuel
J>savings - so the strategy you describe may work well in a long race
J>with multiple pit-stops, but probably not that well over short numbers
J>of laps.
I have found some help in drafting, but I end up hitting drafties
Also, has anyone found that it's hard to stay on the road on Talledega
with the NCAR2ICR2 converter??
Benjamin Fields
t OLXWin 1.00b t Meanwhile, back in reality...