G.P.L. L.plate

Joe Murph

G.P.L. L.plate

by Joe Murph » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

All you hotlappers might have a tip or two for us slowbows.Aside from
tailbrakeing what is the most important tip for fast laps.Please don't say
practice as I want to practice the right things.Is there setups for non
tailbrakers.Are there two different styles of drivers with hot laps.
I'm using a MSFF wheeland pedals.
thanks again
Liutger Franze

G.P.L. L.plate

by Liutger Franze » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

check out alison's and ricardo's page for tips:


Steve Ferguso

G.P.L. L.plate

by Steve Ferguso » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

: All you hotlappers might have a tip or two for us slowbows.Aside from
: tailbrakeing what is the most important tip for fast laps.Please don't say
: practice as I want to practice the right things.Is there setups for non
: tailbrakers.Are there two different styles of drivers with hot laps.
: I'm using a MSFF wheeland pedals.
: thanks again
: Joe.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could put a big L-plate on the back of our cars?


Rick Boy

G.P.L. L.plate

by Rick Boy » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I would suggest going to Schubi's site,
( and downloading replays from various
drivers.  I have found that to be very helpful and have learned a tremendous
amount from many different drivers.

What I discovered was that hotlappers were not out-braking me, or getting
the power down any better, but they were all carrying more speed throughout
the corners.  So as a training method, I started driving the BRM as the car
forces you to maintain your momentum more than any other.  The results?
After 3 or 4 months in the BRM I returned to the Eagle and improved my times
at Kyalami and Zandy by 1 - 1.5 seconds per lap.  Of course this is only
anecdotal and similar results could probably be achieved by driving the
Honda or Cooper, (both much easier to drive than the BRM.)

For a real treat, while at Schubi's click the link at the top marked
"History."  Then click the, "Chassis" link.  Then click the "BRM" link.  Go
to the Mexico section and download Klemen Furlans lap.  Truly a thing of

Hope some of this helps.  I know it helped me.

Rick Boyd

Ian Parke

G.P.L. L.plate

by Ian Parke » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

IMO the most important thing to practice is getting the correct line, thats
where you'd gain the most time.
Trailbraking will probably gain only a fraction of a second a lap, you would
be better off concentrating on getting a smooth corner entry and being able
to stay on the racing line and getting on the power out of the corner as
early as you can, rather than braking as late as possible and struggling to
hold the car on the track.
I dont do hotlaps so all my PB's are in a race, I just work on being
consistent which has improved my lap times considerably.
BTW I use the Ferrari and some of my best race laps are:

Kyalami 1:19.87
Mexico 1:47.94
Monaco 1:26.97
Monza 1:28.65
Mosport 1:21.71
Rouen 1:56.49
Silverstone 1:28.22
Spa 3:18.00
Watkins Glen 1:04.66
Zandvoort 1:25.77
Ian Parker

UKGPL League

Ken Ston

G.P.L. L.plate

by Ken Ston » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

You can edit the GPL cars in a picture editor such as Photoshop, or
even Paint Shop Pro, and stick an L plate at the back and front.

Actually, no you can't. Nuts!

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G.P.L. L.plate

by Eldre » Sun, 12 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>I dont do hotlaps so all my PB's are in a race, I just work on being
>consistent which has improved my lap times considerably.
>BTW I use the Ferrari and some of my best race laps are:

>Kyalami 1:19.87
>Mexico 1:47.94
>Monaco 1:26.97
>Monza 1:28.65
>Mosport 1:21.71
>Rouen 1:56.49
>Silverstone 1:28.22
>Spa 3:18.00
>Watkins Glen 1:04.66
>Zandvoort 1:25.77

Holy time warps, Batman!  I'm so far off those times it isn't even FUNNY...
Spa - 3:30, Rouen - 2:17, Monaco - 1:41...
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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