No matter what measures are taken there will always be cheaters, that is a
fact and no real way to solve it.
I think most of the sim community is pretty good. I see no point in winning
races by cheating as it does nothing for me to know I can only win that way.
I'd rather come 10th with my ability than cheat to get 1st. in most league
cheating isn't an issue as it is more a community than a pure completion
> says...
> > It was asked in the interview. The answer was basically that they have
> > changes to help reduce cheating, but he was unable to give any details,
> > citing basically that the less the cheaters know about it, the better it
> > will work.
> > Glen Pittman
> The really sad part is that they can't completely prevent cheating,
> sadder still, there will be people that find and use ways around the
> anti-cheat measures, and even more sad, they won't be very willing to
> address any changes that need to be made because Sierra won't let
> them pump too much more time into the sim in order to fix/add things
> that are lacking.